Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Partyingg in the city

heyyy! its shayy here, and i just got back from the city with sierra. you wont believe the ahmazing outfits we bought. its a perfect ten. we're going to natasha's party tonight. everyone hawt is going and anyone NAWT will be wishing they were there. first, geoffrey dropped us off about a block away from the shops that were worth even considering. we went into guccini first. i got these ahdorable oversized sun glasses with white rims that went perfectly with my thick black hair. and sierra got these gorgeous pair of earings. than we stopped by calvin but there was nothing i wanted of course. i just went in to check things out. then sierra made me stop by luis vuitton and she didnt buy a THING. but you know sierra, when she passes LV, she HAS to go in. but enough about talking about "in", let's talk about "out". Okay, first, we saw Miranda Hearthkins with Seth! It was a total "omg" moment. I mean, puhlease! and she was wearing this u-g-l-y cashmere that made her look like a pudgy sour lemon. ugh. and theres this girl, named massie block. she's totally out. we've heard her story and its gone b-o-r-i-n-g along with her bad jokes, or insults as she thinks of them. and have you seen the way she dresses? its ew to the max. total ew with her wardrobe. anyways, i have to go do, what else. shopping!.

ciao for now~


Anonymous said...

omg shay, you started a blog?
ughh wheres cami? i told her to come on.

Anonymous said...

Heyy Shay!
chill ms. washington (lol)
im here. i had to pull my brother away form the computer so that i could go on.

the fabulous said...

thank god your here, now i need to update you guys on the latest.

Anonymous said...

omg spill!
you know i love gossip!
oh and btw, shay? can you snagg me that hottie's number? what was his name? oh yeah, Josh. please?

the fabulous said...

cami, are you on a soap opera?

Anonymous said...

haha.. cant wait to here this one,
this is a new one, right shay?

Anonymous said...

no.. im not on a soap opera..

the fabulous said...

then WHY are you acting like a desperate housewife?

Anonymous said...

haha.. thats soo funny! i love it when you say your comebacks. so in.

Anonymous said...

hey guys! nice blog shay.

the fabulous said...

tayyyyy!!! hey!

okay now im in gossip mode, dont interrupt.

the fabulous said...

1. em's with john
2. zoie's with mikey (again)
3. courteny is with timmy.
4. love 3: becca wants shawn who wants leela who wants jack who wants becca.
and lastly, 5. alexis is still desperate.

Anonymous said...

lol@#5 hahaha
and shayy.. please get me josh's number! yes im a desperate housewife, but if i get josh's number, i can live with it. lol

Anonymous said...

i think i have joshs number..i dont know, ill have to check.

Anonymous said...

sorry guys, i have to go.. the 'rents want tome to go off. bye! tell me all gossip tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

yeah im outtie too, byees!

Anonymous said...

me too, bye shay! i love your blog.

Massie said...

Hi, um, E.W., I bet you think you're really cool dissing me. But while you're using all my lingo and acting really legit, it hit me. You were the one who came on my blog and said "OMG I am your biggest fan!!".
LBR to the max.

sophie said...

i agree with massie. you are completely copying her. you are a total loser.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Massie's jokes were supposedly lame... So why are you acting like a desperate house wife? So lame. And you are hardly an It girl...

You Love me,
♥The It Girl