Thursday, August 16, 2007

Its a date.

Sorry, im like so tired from the whole party at natasha's. we played a game called "I've Never" and it was like total drama. See, Tinsley always bragged about having all of this kissing experience with her hawt boyfriend rick. and then Jay said "I've never.....kissed
more than 2 boys." Of course no one drank the cup of club soda (no one expected anyone too) and then rick was like, "Tins, why arent you drinking?" and then Tinsley was like "Omg rick, i HAVE kissed more than one boy, ive kissed like (she lookeed round the room and then said:) more than five in the past week! and then rick exploded and was like "WHAT? WHEN? We've never even kissed." so everyone was like, what? we thought she always made out with rick. but ahbviously she didnt so everyone was really confused and rick stormed out so people stopped playing IN, and then at the end of the party, tins was seen making out with another hottie, Jake. I know, slut and a liar much? So whatev. no ones even talking to her now. the good thing out of all this was that i snagged a hottie for a date. his name's ryan and hes totally cute. anyways, hes her now, so.. seeya~


Anonymous said...

So who r u?

Anonymous said...

r u like from a book or something?

the fabulous said...

please! are you calling me a fake? not, dont think so! the only fake here, is prob. you!

Anonymous said...

telll her shay!
omg, i cant believe she thinks we're from a book, even though we're fab enough to be in one. hah.

Anonymous said...

heh, hey guys. and whose that freak?

the fabulous said...

how do i know? just some low life creep.

Madison said...

why is your url called FAKE LIFE! haha good one but you might want to change that